Lauren brought me to meet her parents after a long day of rock climbing in Red Rock. When I met them I was tired, dirty, stinky, and above all else, currently lived in a van. None of this phased Rick in the least. Instead of quickly judging me as some dirty van dweller trying to date his youngest, he took the time to get to know me for who I am. He asked me thoughtful questions and actually listened when I replied. He took my life path to heart and treated me like a son from day one. Rick would later tell Lauren that he thinks—and I quote— "Justin is the best you can do". Rick saw right through my odd lifestyle for who I truly was and had never been anything short of a perfect father-in-law to me.
Maybe Lauren can do better than me, maybe she can't. One thing is for sure though, I couldn't have done better than Rick. Hands down.